Teaching God’s Word to God’s People

Earning my PhD at Vanderbilt University encouraged me to continue teaching and studying Homiletics and Liturgics.

I have taught a series of courses at many different institutions, and you can find more information about them below.


Pittsburgh Theological Seminary

Theological Field Education

Fall 2021-Spring 2022: Students are invited into the postures, habits, and practices of theologically reflective ministry. Interdisciplinary in nature, the course pays particular attention to the integration of student experiences in field placement sites with work in contextual analysis, Christian theology, and pastoral care.

Preaching and Communication in Ministry

Spring 2021


In this course, students are introduced to the theology and practice of preaching, with attention to the performative skills involved in effective communication in ministry settings. Topics include: the oral interpretation of Scripture, biblical exegesis for proclamation, the role of culture and context in preaching, the structure and rhetoric of sermons, and the non-verbal dimensions of communication.

Preaching a Relevant Word to a Restless People

Spring 2020


Preachers may be reluctant to mention current events from the pulpit. But not speaking to the concerns people bring with them into church implicitly communicates that the church – and worse, God – doesn’t care. Together, we will discuss both our resistance and our sacred calling and learn ways to preach sermons that are pastorally sensitive, prophetically challenging, and particularly relevant in our world today.

If you’re interested in joining one of our classes, you can take a look at our syllabus below


Presbytery of West Virginia

Commissioned Pastor Preparation Program

Please contact me for more information.

If you are interested in learning more about my next teaching engagements, fill out this form and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

I look forward to connecting with you!